Product Trends
Sustainable Spirits
Eco-Friendly Practices in Craft Distilling

There are certain things that unite the world - and a growing interest in sustainability is one of the most pressing ones at the moment. All around the globe, in every industry, businesses are looking to improve their ecological footprints, and the craft distilling industry is no exception.
As customers become more and more interested in the stories behind the spirits in their glasses, it’s important for brands to put their values on the page. A Kerry Group study in 2021 showed that 49% of consumers now consider sustainability credentials when selecting food and drinks.
Craft distilleries have a distinct advantage in this area. As they’re generally smaller, more flexible, and more agile than their large industrial competitors, it’s often easier for them to put eco-friendly practices in place - and many of them started off with sustainable values as a baseline.
Lots of craft distilleries have sustainability written into their souls. Novo Fogo, based in Brazil, creates organic cachaças on a zero-waste basis while working on a reforestation project in the surrounding rainforest. Meanwhile the Mexican Sin Gusano Project focuses on an agave spirit production method that relies strongly on methods inherited through the generations, with deep ties to sustainable practices that are integrally balanced with the natural world.
So how can craft distilleries get a foot on the sustainability ladder? Here are a few ideas!
Source locally! By using locally-sourced ingredients, distilleries can help support their local economies while reducing transportation emissions - and find new, unique ingredients while they’re doing it.
Water conservation is a big issue for distilleries, which are heavily reliant on water through the distillation process. By recycling water or using closed-loop cooling systems, businesses can minimise water waste.
Think renewable: there are many eco-friendly alternatives out there when looking for energy sources.
When selecting packaging, why not go the sustainable route, with recycled bottles and biodegradable labels?
With the rise of conscientious consumption, consumers are increasingly interested in the story behind the brands, and in the values these brands hold. Lexir ensures that these stories are being told, clearly and transparently.
And isn’t it lovely to feel so virtuous, by knowing that you’re helping to save the planet every time you sip your gin and tonic?