Dry Umami Sherry Cobbler

Dry Umami Sherry Cobbler


On the rocks

Lemons slice

This cobbler features Baldoria Dry Umami, unique vermouth that adds depth to the cocktail that you might have not experienced before. Umami is one of the five basic tastes, alongside sweet, bitter, salty, and sour. The flavor is best described as a savory or meaty flavor. Some umami-rich foods include ripe tomatoes, dried mushrooms, kombu, anchovies, and parmesan cheese.



Amontillado Sherry

4 parts

Baldoria Dry Umami

2 parts

Lemon juice

1 part


  1. Fill a highball glass with fresh ice

  2. Add all ingredients into a shaker and shake well

  3. Strain into the highball glass

  4. Garnish